The aliens who inhabit the station don't have voices as such, but the sounds they make are appropriate and even manage to sound relevant, quite an achievement for a series of unintelligible grunts. The trader Arona Dahl is similarly perfect in his role though his accent does switch between something that I think is British Jewish and London (Laahndan). Very clever) is voiced by one of those incredibly talented people that you can't put a face, name or history to, but is nonetheless brilliant and instantly recognisable as. Your assistant, VAL (Ha! Like the computer in 2001, only not. Having played through the game to the end, I'm very nearly inclined to agree, except for the fact that the game is so incredibly well-realised.

It's a standard formula, seen countless times before and the game was soundly criticised for following such a standard, but worse, short, single player campaign. Level one gives you access to sod-all of the tech and is easy, level-the-last gives you the whole tech tree and about ten different opponents, all waiting to destroy you. It was done back in Command and Conquer, and, quite frankly, in every game with any sort of tech tree that's ever been released. What this boils down to is basically a ten-level extended tutorial, gradually introducing features of the game to you as you progress towards the final level, direct from hell. In Startopia's single player game, you play the role of a space station manager employed by various factions to refurbish parts of a network of derelict space stations throughout the galaxy according to whatever these races happen to need a space station for at the time. And it's not an unofficial sequel to Dungeon Keeper (or Dungeon Keeper 2) either except for the fact that it quite obviously is. I had to do some pretty serious agonising for the simple reason that Startopia isn't an unofficial sequel to Theme Hospital at all and is, in fact, nothing like it. I've actually agonised over this review for a number of weeks, trying to come to terms with the fact that this game is essentially an unofficial sequel to Theme Hospital, made by ex-Bullfrog employees.